There is nothing like Rocking Out while Working Out!
Submit your best workout playlist and be entered to win anipod shuffle! ($50.00 value!)
Music can take your mind off the burn while working out increasing your performance!
The beats of the music can make you push harder, increase motivation and get into "your" zone.
Music can elevate your mood and make you WANT to move!
All entries must be submitted by Saturday February 28, 2015.
To enter, you must compose a list of 13 songs,
One song must be a cool down song 5 minutes or longer in duration.
Playlist must list the artist and the title of the song.
Entries can be emailed to or printed lists may be turned in at an Integrity location.
Winner will be chosen by the coaches at Integrity.
There will be 1 winner selected and announced in the Monday March 2, 2015 newsletter.
Winner must pick up prize at an Integrity location.
Also, the winner's playlist will also become a permanent playlist in the Integrity locations and the winner will be able to request it to be played anytime they come in to workout!