Keep An Eye on Your Health! Your eye health is just as important as your body health!
1. Wear Sunglasses - UV rays can be dangerous even on cloudy days
2. Drink Up - Hydrate your body to avoid dry eyes
3. Stay Active - Keeping fit can delay age-related macular degeneration
4. 20/20 Rule - If you use the computer a lot...every 20 mins, rest your eyes for 20 seconds.
5. Green Day - Eat your greens and fruits to reduce your risk of eye disease
6. Eye Exams - Schedule your whole family - it's an eye-opener!
Ask your health coach about supplements that could benefit eye health.
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Integrity Health is a franchise company residing in New Hampshire. We specialize in health coaching centers combining fitness with weight loss to optimize and promote optimal health. We are also the national purveyors of the RAMP Metabolic Fitness Prescription licensed by fitness professionals.